Dec 29, 2011

the blessed life

Thankful for a great 2011 and looking forward to an even sweeter 2012...

Oct 6, 2011

It's a chilly-chilly day!

f21 denim shirt, keisly sweater, cashmere hunter-green scarf, romeo&juliet legging
& minnetonka moccasins - hooray!

Sep 27, 2011

Sep 12, 2011


shirt: forever21 . shorts: vintage

a bday date//

back on the 20th of july, i celebrated my first and last 26th birthday. i am now officially in the second quarter of my life. scary, but exciting. i choose to be optimistic as to what the future holds. i have the man of my dreams - only God knows what's next ;)

P.S we went to Max's Buger in West Hartford, CT

sexy man in great green H&M button down
me & my hottie - we are both fully dressed in H&M attire - ha!

chin up!

i want a tattoo right there...

Jul 10, 2011

the fireworks came late...

this year we watched 4th of july fireworks a weekend late... but it was worth it. we headed to the farmington river with our friends Matt & Gina. needless to say, the crowd was huge, the food was fatty, the music was good and the fireworks display was great!


we went to collinsville antiques this past weekend. i took so many pictures, had to choose a few of my favs. this place was amazing and we had so much fun with our friends Dan & Laura. can't wait to go back soon and get some of my fav finds.
albert wanted the large robot (or a traffic light as you americans call it) and roulette table - no big deal.

P.S we're all pictures in that very last photo... see us?

Jul 3, 2011


If we are always arriving and departing, it is also true that we are eternally anchored. One’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things.
- Henry Miller

amber is the color of her energy

i have a sister and she is 5 years my junior. however, people constantly ask if she's the older of us two. this could be a compliment to me or an insult - i'm either very youthful in appearance OR just youthful and lacking maturity... hmmm.

regardless of other people, she is my favorite sister! over the years we have grown in appreciation for one another... and sometimes i think appreciation can out trump love. it's easy to love someone especially family, but to completely appreciate that person for who they are, no matter what, that's grand!

amber aka "pooks" has some strange tendencies. she is addicted to diet coke, is fascinated with the speech impaired - hence her studies to become a speech pathologist, knows sign language, has the most beautiful/thick red hair (which she has tried multiple times to dye, but i would not allow), is easily grossed out, hates the sound of people chewing and has 5 just-as-weird best friends since the 5th grade.

this girl is a gem and she makes me smile - but she has also made me mad and cry, BUT she has NEVER let me down. here's to my POOKS!

it's not ever day you meet your soul mate at 5 years of age... live with them for the next 20plus years... have them bare witness to every mile stone in your life... and then have them stand next to you on the day you marry your male counter part.
i'm just blessed - i guess.