Dec 14, 2013

a chunky snow day.

it's a snow day - all day.
so naturally, you grab the biggest, chunkiest sweater and settle in with some hot chocolate.

today i'm wearing a black Hanes hoodie from the men's department - not so glam.
but in my mind i look as chic as the combos below…


{source: pinterest/fahsiongonerouge/streetstyle}

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Dec 13, 2013

turban time!

i am love, love, loving this little headwrap/headband/TURBAN!
perfect for chilly days and chilly nights.


did some research and found these gems...

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Dec 11, 2013

'tis the season.

december is here! decorate accordingly.

but, let's not forget the reason for this season. 


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Nov 20, 2013

this or that

you can go with this, or  you can go with that.



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Nov 11, 2013

need a pick me up?

get up and go. take the day, make it yours!

breathe and give praise for another hour - do it your way, make someone's day, give love away, use your blessings, forget your indiscretions, and make dreams a reality.

be grateful.  God's plan is greater than the simple human mind can ever fathom.

// happy visuals to follow



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