Jul 14, 2014

but there's a silver lining //

hello, 22 weeks!

like i mentioned in my previous pregnancy proclamation, this time has been anything but easy for me. now halfway through i've definitely turned a corner for the better, but i am far from "normal" feeling.

take today for example - i just couldn't get on top of it. i realize how crazy this sounds, but if i don't eat exactly as hunger rears it's ugly head i inevitably throw-up... today was one of those days.

most days consist of continued nausea (now in waves and not all the time - PTL!), my nose is still on high alert and any scent can set me off (i'm like a wolf), laying down and getting sleep is becoming more and more difficult, to top it all off i have a new level of respect for people who suffer from constant heartburn - it's torture.

BUT there is a silver lining - duh! during these last 5 months and 2 weeks i've had some amazing experiences with different friends and family members in my life. so many awesome acts of kindness, warm gestures and words of incredible wisdom. really temped to name some of you, but i'll just whole heartedly say THANK YOU - you have taught me some great lessons.

on another note, i continue to grow less in love with my rounding belly, but much more in love with my little baby girl. it's unexplainable how you feel such a great attachment to someone you've never met, but nurture everyday.

in light of this great love and to focus on the positive rather than the "yucky" - here are some happy mommy moments //

{source: pintrest/lovetaza/romyandthebunnies/100layercake}

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