Dec 28, 2014

oh you too?! {a personal revelation of sorts}

as adolescents most of us try our hardest to "fit in".
fit in with a particular type of person or the of group of people we most identify with... or would like to anyway.

then as adults we venture out into the world and try to find ourselves in college or up the corporate ladder. now the idea is to set yourself apart. be different and unique. never a follower, always a leader... but ultimately you're still surrounded with like-minded individuals.

both of the above statements are true for the most part - i recognize there are always exceptions.

where am i going with this?
during this whole "being pregnant, giving birth and then caring for a baby" thing, i realized most people are just looking to connect. you can call it fitting in or you can call it being uniquely you and finding others who relate. at the end of the day, we long to belong and identify with others. after all, forming relationships and building community is what God meant for us to do.

personally, it was such a relief for me to come into contact with other "mommies" who had the same feelings of overwhelming responsibility and anxiety once they took their babies home and had to figure this new way of life out. it was also a great relief to read blogs or forums where other women had experienced similar physical challenges i did, during or after pregnancy.

i would literally think, "wow! what a relief to know i'm not the ONLY one." in fact, i was actually one in thousands of women who had the same feelings and experiences. learning this gave me strength and comfort in knowing i was not alone.

i strongly believe this feeling of not being the only one doesn't just apply to prego's or moms, but to all types of people in different circumstances.

are you single and wondering when the "one" will come along?
are you a college student wondering how you're going to figure out your perfect path?
are you a grad with no money and no job and praying for a break into the industry you studied so hard to enter?
are you a single parent wondering how you're going to conquer another day?
are you sick and feeling forgotten?
are you an emotional mess and feeling so alone?
are you struggling with some type of physical aliment?
are you in the middle of a divorce and thinking "why me"?
have you just moved to a new city and know no one?
have you just had a baby... or have you just lost a baby?
is your heart broken?
are you lost?

...i could continue with this list, but you get the point. no matter what your current status is in life, you are NOT alone. reach out to others, read a blog on your specif situation and learn a few things, talk to someone and be enlightened.

to make it big you have to start small - this applies to many of  life's encounters:
- it just takes talking to one person with common ground to get connect to a larger group of people
- reading one blog with info on your situation could enlighten you
- joining one small group at a large church will lead to a sense of belonging
- asking for help can and will open doors
- sharing your experiences will encourage others to relate and share theirs

we all want to connect and not feel alone. while we're all uniquely and wonderfully made, we're all so similar in matters of the heart.

share your experiences... this will either enrich your life or help someone else.

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