Feb 1, 2016


FOGO (not to be confused with FOMO) also known as "Fear Of Going Out".

this is an anxiety i picked up after having a little lady named Lyla.

let me explain. when i first became a mommy (and the few weeks that followed) going out of the house was something i had NO desire to do. i was still recovering and Lyla was still adjusting. all we needed was eachother and large amounts of sleep.

flash forward a few months and getting out of the house was great... as long as i was accompanied by the hubbs or one of Lyla's grandmas and/or aunts. in my mind i couldn't handle it if for some reason Lyla had a melt down in public and i didn't have anyone to support me while dealing with the situation at hand... be it hunger, or sleep, or a dirty diaper! ::sigh::

this anxiety soon passed and i became much more adventurous, but Lyla decided travel was not her thing. while i have always loved driving in the car, my babe couldn't stand it. most moms will tell you how their kids love the car and how it even puts them to sleep - that's just not how Lyla rolled. and so my FOGO returned.

now days, my FOGO comes and goes. Lyla is much more compliant in the car as long as she has a snack in hand (she takes after her momma) and we are moving - i rebuke all traffic lights. however, naps are still a problem as they greatly interfere with when we can go out and how long we can stay out. trying to plan activities or play dates takes a masters in time management for me. some moms will understand this and others won't.

i realize to some my FOGO might sound like no big deal... and i definitely know this is a first world problem, BUT it still greatly effects my day to day life.

i share these thoughts not so you can judge me, but to maybe connect with someone else who feels the same way and can now rest assured they're not alone, or to enlighten someone who is not yet a mommy or soon to become one. embarking on this journey of motherhood is so eye-opening and life changing. personally, i never thought i would have had half of the experiences i've had so far and Lyla is only 14months. bracing myself for the future...

FOGO is just one of the little bumps i've recently had to overcome. yours might be something totally different. regardless, if it matters to you - it matters!

below are some pics of my daily motto on a shirt //


on me:
button down/H&M
bralette/SPIN GALLERY 

on Lyla:

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